Tag Archive for: lawyers professional liability

Your client won after being sued in what she believed was a meritless case. Her defense fees were high. She wants you to sue her former adversary and his lawyer for malicious prosecution.

Think long and hard before taking the case. Malicious prosecution is notoriously hard to prove – the probable cause standard is low and malice difficult to prove. Study the elements of the tort carefully. Explain to your client – in writing –the challenges she will face. She will probably draw an anti-SLAPP motion, which will likely be granted. The other side will then recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs in bringing the motion (and fees on appeal if the ruling is affirmed), which will be substantial.

Lawyers who do not educate clients about these significant risks often next find themselves as defendants in malpractice cases, by clients who justifiably ask, “Why didn’t you tell me this would happen?”

Written By: Daniel Hager, AHERN Corporate Counsel

Daniel W. Hager is Corporate Counsel to AHERN Insurance Brokerage and has spent his career practicing in the fields of lawyers’ professional liability, risk management, and legal ethics.

AHERN Insurance Brokerage is honored to announce that we have been appointed as one of only three brokers nationwide to have access to a new program created specifically for Debt Collection lawyers, CollectProtect.

The CollectProtect program provides customized enhancements specifically for the distinct professional risks that Debt Collection lawyers face.

Key Enhancements of the policy include:

Expanded Definition of Damages
CollectProtect incorporates fines and penalties coverage for the FDCPA/FRCA to the full limit of the policy, and a $500K sublimit for TCPA. Damages includes pre-and-post judgement interest, punitive and exemplary damages.

Pre-approved Defense Counsel
Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker is pre-approved as defense counsel.

Mutual Selection of Defense Counsel
In tandem with the pre-approved Defense Counsel provision, CollectProtect makes overall selection of counsel mutual.

Optional Coverages for Eligible Firms include:
* Client/Project Specific Coverage
* Self-Representation & Bordereau Reporting

Program Eligibility – Key Guidelines:
* Law Firms with at least 50% AOP in Collections
* Law Firms with 5-150 attorneys

Limits up to $5,000,000 Per Claim / $5,000,000 Annual aggregate are available, with a minimum retention of $25,000. This program is underwritten by a non-admitted carrier rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best.

For additional information about the CollectProtect program, please click here or contact:

Shawn M. Royle | Chief Executive Officer
T: (858) 514-7123 | E: [email protected]

Did you know that AHERN Insurance Brokerage offers an exclusive Lawyers Professional Liability program just for SDCBA Members through AXA XL? This successful program has been in existence since 2004 with over 400 San Diego firms selecting coverage with AXA XL.

* SDCBA Members can save up to 20% on this exclusive program *

See video below of SDCBA Member Stephen Grebing of Wingert, Grebing, Brubaker & Juskie, LLP sharing how the SDCBA’s exclusive member benefit provided by AHERN Insurance Brokerage saved his firm over $15,000 a year, on top of other SDCBA member benefits and savings.

Please click here for more information or apply online today!

No attorney wants to have a malpractice claim made against them or have their work criticized by a client. However, taking the right steps immediately following the assertion of a claim or potential claim, can go a long way to reducing it’s impact, to correct the problem or even prevent a formal claim from being made. So what should you do when you believe your client might be making a formal claim against you?

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Spring is the perfect time to take a fresh look at firm practices, including the firm’s prospective client intake procedures. Effectively evaluating a prospective client should determine whether they belong in the “keep” or “toss” box!

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Properly understanding the legal malpractice statute of limitations is critical to both preserving the defense should a claim ever arise, and to the timing of filing any suit for fees against a client (a last resort with a high risk of drawing a responsive malpractice claim).

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Social Media use is on the rise. According to Pew Research Center, 52% of online adults now use two or more social media sites. Social media can spread complaints like wildfire. How should you respond to negative social media comments? Read our Tip of the Month for important information on how you can minimize the damaging effects negative social media comments can have on your firm.

Click Here To Download This Article

When it comes to unrepresented individuals who are party to a transaction or litigation, clarifying representation is very important. This article provides an answer to the question, how does a non-engagement letter protect us from claims?

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Tag Archive for: lawyers professional liability