Tag Archive for: Attorneys

Ever wonder what all those letters mean in your firm’s business insurance coverage policies and why they are so important to the ongoing operation of a law firm? Our own Kelley Milks, AHERN Executive Vice President, will demystify what types of insurance your firm should have, determining the correct amount of coverage you should carry, and will update you on new happenings in the business insurance arena. You will come away with the tools and information to be confident at your next renewal meetings and perhaps even be able to throw those acronyms right back!

                                  TITLE: The ABC’s and 123’s of Insurance
                                  PRESENTER: Kelley L. Milks, CIC, CRM, RPLU
                                  DATE: Thursday, June 18, 2020
                                  TIME: 9AM to 10AM PST
                                  COST: FREE for BASF Members ($30 for Non-Members)

In this FREE webinar, you will learn more about:

• Property and Casualty Insurance for Law Firms
• Professional Liability Insurance for Law Firms
• What is trending in the insurance world?
• Open Q&A session at the end of the program


Kelley Milks, an Executive Vice President at AHERN Insurance Brokerage, has worked in the insurance  industry for over 35 years, specializing in the risks of  law firms for over 20 years. In her role with AHERN,  Kelley provides clients with expertise in all exposures: professional liability, employment practices, workers’ compensation, fiduciary, commercial property and casualty. She holds the designations of Certified Insurance Counselor, Certified Risk Manager and Registered Professional Liability Underwriter. Her responsibilities also include developing new business. Kelley has actively supported the Association of Legal Administrators by providing seminars at national, regional and local events. She has also provided educational classes on the local level for the Certified Legal Managers designation.

Did you know that AHERN Insurance Brokerage offers an exclusive Lawyers Professional Liability program just for SDCBA Members through AXA XL? This successful program has been in existence since 2004 with over 400 San Diego firms selecting coverage with AXA XL.

* SDCBA Members can save up to 20% on this exclusive program *

See video below of SDCBA Member Stephen Grebing of Wingert, Grebing, Brubaker & Juskie, LLP sharing how the SDCBA’s exclusive member benefit provided by AHERN Insurance Brokerage saved his firm over $15,000 a year, on top of other SDCBA member benefits and savings.

Please click here for more information or apply online today!

AHERN is proud to sponsor The Bar Association of San Francisco’s Women’s Impact Network – No Glass Ceiling 2.0 Conference on November 21, 2019.

The BASF Women’s Conference affords participants an opportunity to hear from and engage with leaders in the legal profession and the business world about ways to make an impact and redefine the culture for people of all genders.

November 21, 2019: 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm
MCLE Credits – 3 H, of which 1 hour is in Elimination of Bias

Please click here for more information.



AHERN is proud to sponsor The Bar Association of San Francisco’s 2019 Cannabis Conference on October 30th, 2019!

This half-day event gives practitioners the opportunity to learn about the current legal and regulatory developments affecting the Cannabis industry.

The BASF Cannabis Conference provides attorneys an opportunity to enhance their practical skills in the rapidly-evolving cannabis space; offers attorneys the chance to learn about the cannabis industry and movement; and provides attorneys the chance to build connections and a strong bar for San Francisco.

October 30, 2019: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
MCLE Credits – 3 H, of which 1 Hour is in Recognition & Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession and Society

Please click here for more information.



The federal prohibition of marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act creates thorny ethical issues for attorneys representing clients in the cannabis industry in the twenty-nine states that have legalized medical marijuana and the eight states that have legalized recreational marijuana. The Rhode Island Ethics Advisory Panel Op. 2017-01 recently joined other states in concluding that attorneys may ethically advise clients on all matters related to a particular state’s medical marijuana law, as long as attorneys also advise clients regarding the federal law. Although there is a growing consensus among courts and ethics committees that attorneys representing clients in the marijuana industry are not in violation of the applicable state rules of professional conduct, these rules and opinions do not protect lawyers who assist clients in the operation of marijuana-related businesses in ways which might contravene federal laws. Actively assisting clients in the marijuana industry may be illegal under federal law, and therefore has the potential to result in criminal liability for violation of the Controlled Substances Act, aiding and abetting criminal conduct (18 U.S.C. § 2), or money laundering (18 U.S.C. §§ 1956, 1957). While the Cole Memorandum provides some protection against federal prosecution for legal marijuana businesses that adhere to their state’s regulatory framework, it does not provide legal protection for service providers to the industry, including attorneys. Indeed, the Cole Memorandum expressly states that state law does not provide a legal defense to a violation of federal law, including a civil or criminal violation of the Controlled Substances Act.


This Risk Management Tip is brought to you by AXA XL and Hinshaw & Culbertson, LLP, leaders in risk management.

AXA XL is the #1 global commercial property and casualty insurer with combined GWP of 17.6 billion in 2017. AXA and its principal insurance subsidiaries have the following insurer financial strength ratings as of December 2018: A+ A.M. Best, AA- Standard & Poor’s, AA- Fitch and, A1 Moody’s.

Is ACA compliance on your list of New Year’s resolutions? This handy Compliance Checklist is designed to provide a brief overview of the key ACA compliance requirements and action items so you can prepare to comply in 2017.

Click here to download the 2017 ACA Compliance Checklist…

On December 7, 2016, Congress approved legislation that, among other things, establishes a new tax-favored vehicle for reimbursing employee health care expenses, including individual health insurance premiums.

Click here to download this Benefits Bulletin…

The risk management landscape for collection attorneys has become more difficult over the past few years, given the explosion of FDCPA lawsuits filed against them.  A silver lining, however, is that the vast majority of these suits are frivolous, and can usually be dismissed in summary fashion.

In connection with law firm malpractice insurance however, these suits can present a trap for the unwary.  It is vital that no matter how “bogus” or “innocuous” such a suit appears (or indeed turns out) to be, each and every one of them must be reported to the firm’s current (and potential future) insurer, for the three major reasons.

Click here to continue reading this article…

Tag Archive for: Attorneys